The painting is titled Ravenous, its oil on canvas and the size is 6'x4'.You can see it and some of the other from this series in the 2005 section of my website.
It looks like elements are being forced into to the frame. you have little things/shapes in the bottom right and on the top left you have little blue streaks. The little bird is ballanced by the painting above the dude.
Your paintings in your 2005 series have alot of motion thru brush stroke, color, etc. This piece doesn't fit in with them. When compared to them this painting is a little bland because it looks liek a still life.
Jm, When making a reference to the composition being crowded and counter balanced. Is there a chance that the artist might be making a conscious decision to enforce those compositional elements into play?
There is a reason why this painting revolves in a circle as you read the composition. It reinforces the concept of the inner struggle that teeters on the canvas.
The bird is a reference to the narrative. Serving as the counter part for the women in the frame. Like a shadow the bird reflects the women presence.
But does any of this matter, since if the painting fails to communicate ones visions. Does the vision even matter anymore.
The painting is what it is. It is a breath from a few years ago when I experienced a complex person at a real life changing time.
Jm, When making a reference to the composition being crowded and counter balanced. Is there a chance that the artist might be making a conscious decision to enforce those compositional elements into play?
There is a reason why this painting revolves in a circle as you read the composition. It reinforces the concept of the inner struggle that teeters on the canvas.
The bird is a reference to the narrative. Serving as the counter part for the women in the frame. Like a shadow the bird reflects the women presence.
But does any of this matter, since if the painting fails to communicate ones visions. Does the vision even matter anymore.
The painting is what it is. It is a breath from a few years ago when I experienced a complex person at a real life changing time.
The painting is titled Ravenous, its oil on canvas and the size is 6'x4'.You can see it and some of the other from this series in the 2005 section of my website.
Checked out your website . . .
like your paintings -
any chance your degree was in illustration?
It looks like elements are being forced into to the frame. you have little things/shapes in the bottom right and on the top left you have little blue streaks. The little bird is ballanced by the painting above the dude.
Your paintings in your 2005 series have alot of motion thru brush stroke, color, etc. This piece doesn't fit in with them. When compared to them this painting is a little bland because it looks liek a still life.
Yeah it sucks! you should try sKulpture.
jeremy mann is that you?
When making a reference to the composition being crowded and counter balanced. Is there a chance that the artist might be making a conscious decision to enforce those compositional elements into play?
There is a reason why this painting revolves in a circle as you read the composition. It reinforces the concept of the inner struggle that teeters on the canvas.
The bird is a reference to the narrative. Serving as the counter part for the women in the frame. Like a shadow the bird reflects the women presence.
But does any of this matter, since if the painting fails to communicate ones visions. Does the vision even matter anymore.
The painting is what it is. It is a breath from a few years ago when I experienced a complex person at a real life changing time.
Thanks for the response.
Joel T. Dugan
When making a reference to the composition being crowded and counter balanced. Is there a chance that the artist might be making a conscious decision to enforce those compositional elements into play?
There is a reason why this painting revolves in a circle as you read the composition. It reinforces the concept of the inner struggle that teeters on the canvas.
The bird is a reference to the narrative. Serving as the counter part for the women in the frame. Like a shadow the bird reflects the women presence.
But does any of this matter, since if the painting fails to communicate ones visions. Does the vision even matter anymore.
The painting is what it is. It is a breath from a few years ago when I experienced a complex person at a real life changing time.
Thanks for the response.
Joel T. Dugan
Sorry I hicuped.
joel t dugan
Your talent is out of control. Love the work.
good stuff
Nice use of light, but what do I know? I'm just an anonymous douchebag.
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